The early TTS system often employs synthesis methods based on parameters, such as formant synthesis or LPC synthesis. 早期的TTS系统多采用参数合成方法,如共振峰合成和LPC参数合成。
The main researches are follows: 1. This thesis researches on speech synthesis theory, articulatory synthesis technology, LPC synthesis and formant synthesis technology. 研究了语音合成技术的原理以及发声合成、LPC合成和共振峰合成等技术。
Besides, by means of formant synthesis, we gain an economical way of saving and transmitting speech information by reducing the memory and the transmission bandwidth. 另外,共振峰方法还可构成一种经济的语音信息存贮和传输型式,减小存贮量和传输带宽。